Stepping back to move forward – one of my favourite learnings

Stepping back to move forward – one of my favourite learnings

Stepping back to move forward – one of my favourite learnings

Sometimes you need to step back to move forward.

After leaving the corporate grind I started each year by gifting myself sometime to recharge and reboot.

It has had such an amazing impact on my creativity, productivity and overall happiness throughout the year, that I try to override my engrained guilt of always having to be producing a lot, all the time, to trying to focus on creating in a totally different way.

In the past I have taken time to attend 10-day Vipassana meditation retreats, travelled to get some T&C from my family in Europe and set myself January cleanse goals (mind, health and ways of working), however this year with an opportunity to do a Residence in Florence, I gave myself January and February.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that doesn’t mean I am lying on a beach doing nothing… I have been creating in a way that is a bit foreign, a challenge, to help me grow and improve and be inspired. Hopefully to be a better designer, collaborator, partner, friend and overall person.

So, this is just a quick note to say that my blog may have been silent over the last months but I have been creating, experiencing and can’t wait to share all.

Watch this space.

Love to you all.


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