Our Fortnightly Favourite Five Covering Fashion, Food, Fitness & Some Self Beauty
Welcome back to another Fortnightly Favourite Five at Hills & West. We may not be so on the ball with our fortnightly delivery but the content is well worth the wait 🙂
We hope you’re wrapped up nice and cosy as we are focusing on some winter tips as the chill sets in and we need to relook at our fashion, food, fitness and self beauty regimes. Enjoy 🙂
If the cold caught you a little off guard, heres some fashion tips to save you from feeling the need for a comfort winter shopping spree. Rummage through your wardrobe or hit a vintage store near you, you are bound to find some fantastic basics to save you this winter! Heres are Style Caster’s tips.
“throw a pair of tights or sheer stockings under a pair of ripped jeans or layer a form-fitting sweater over a long-sleeve T-shirt. Also don’t be afraid to whip out the long johns you normally reserve for ski trips—sometimes during the winter they’ll come in just as handy for the walk to work.”

We love a good inspiration fashion icons story, heres a great one from Australia stylist Tash Sefton about timeless and smart fashion for women and how she changed her lifestyle to stop chasing trends. Make sure you check out her businesses Where Did Your Style Go? and Sefton Segedin.
“About 12 months ago I decided to stop with the crazy shopping and need to have the latest and the greatest because I realised I don’t need a lot… I want to be known as an educator of how to dress and be stylish.”

When it gets cold all we want to do is drink hot chocolate and eat a lot of comfort food. Well we’ve decided to help you get back on track and avoid those temptations. Here’s some recipes we found for healthy, warm winter snacks. Even I can attempt to make these 🙂
Peanut Butter Oatmeal
“Honestly, is anything as belly-warming as a bowl of oatmeal? “I like to add 1/2 a mashed banana and 1 Tbsp of natural peanut butter to my oats,” says Kelly Pritchett, Ph.D., R.D.
Oats are high in soluble fiber, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Add to the protein from the peanut butter by making your oats with milk or cottage cheese, suggests Pritchett. “
Steamed Edamame
If you’re looking for a high-protein plant-based snack, edamame (that’s soy beans) is where it’s at. “Most grocery stores carry packages of frozen edamame that you can just throw in the microwave for a few minutes to steam,” says White. “I like to sprinkle it with coarse salt for extra flavor.”
Chunky, spicy chilli is heaven when you’re curled-up-in-a-ball level cold. “Chilli is a dynamite snack for staying warm and shedding pounds,” says Tanya Zuckerbrot, M.S., R.D. “Fiber-rich beans help stabilize blood sugar and keep you feeling full.” Make your chili with lean turkey or chicken, both of which contribute muscle-building protein while staying low in saturated fat.
Jalapeño Poppers
This spicy snack ain’t just for game day! A little jalapeño heat will warm you up from the inside out. “Jalapeños contain the antioxidants vitamins A, C, and E, and capsaicin, which helps protect your body from damaging free-radicals,” says Jim White, R.D. Not to mention, you’ll get fiber from the whole-grain breadcrumbs and protein from the Greek yogurt, he says.

4. Fitness: Motivation to get back in shape
We know its hard getting up in the morning or even hitting the grind after work, so here’s some tips on how Australian stylists, blogger, student and model Margaret Zhang stays in shape with her busy lifestyle.
“I’ve since learned pretty quickly that it’s impossible to self-regulate everything and that there’s no shame in deferring your thought process to an expert whose word you can just take for gospel. Granted, I’m yet to do that in my actual work life, but the gym is a start.”

5. Beauty: Stress free evening tips
We know you’ve had a busy past couple of months and it’s time to give yourself that well-deserved beauty treatment you’ve being meaning to do for weeks. Claim that Sunday afternoon and make it all about you. Run a bath, pick you favourite facial, light a candle, make a tea (or a sneaky wine) and put on a movie.
We give you permission and you can thank us later 🙂 Who needs permission anyway!
Heres some home remedy beauty tips too, everything you need will be in your pantry we’re sure of it.
The many uses of coconut oil…Also use it topically on skin as an amazing moisturizer or in your hair as a mask. It will also soften cuticles if you’re giving yourself an at home mani or pedi. Just wipe on and let sit.

Big love xox
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