Change the future for young girls around the world – Room to Read’s Lunch for Literacy – Sydney

Change the future for young girls around the world – Room to Read’s Lunch for Literacy – Sydney

Change the future for young girls around the world – Room to Read’s Lunch for Literacy – Sydney

“Literacy unlocks the door to learning throughout life, is essential to development and health, and opens the way for democratic participation and active citizenship.”

-Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General

Children’s education is a subject very close to my heart.

When I started my journey discovering my WHY, I was fortuitous to be given a book in India by John Wood, the founder of Room to Read, called “Leaving Microsoft to Change the World”. It was perfect timing as I had too left a job in technology and had aspirations to do something with meaning and impact.

Once I returned after travelling for six months I contacted the team at Room to Read and volunteered my services. Earlier in the year I volunteered for their prime fundraising event, the Wine Gala, and now a few months on, I am hoping to create awareness and support their Lunch for Literacy event.

What I love most about Room to Read and John Wood’s vision, is that he is an incredibly passionate and engaging man, who had BIG dreams, makes things happen and is accountable and transparent about every step of the way.

About Room to Read

“We envision a world in which all children can pursue a quality education, reach their full potential and contribute to their community and the world.

To achieve this goal, we focus on two areas where we believe we can have the greatest impact: literacy and gender equality in education.

We work in collaboration with communities and local governments across Asia and Africa to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the life skills they’ll need to succeed in school and beyond.”

The facts:

·       18, 699 Literacy Program Schools

·       1,280 books published in local languages

·       38,750 girls education participants

·       18 million books distributed

·       10,700,000 children benefited

Over 80% of all funds raised go directly to their programs.

Support Lunch for Literacy – Friday 14 October, Sydney

Room to Read Sydney’s Chapter is inviting the women of Sydney to support girls’ education globally.

This year Room to Read’s Co-Founder and CEO, Erin Ganju will be hosting Lunch for Literacy.

Education is a smart investment. It is the most powerful and effective way to address global poverty.

When a girl finishes high school, this leads to healthier families, lower HIV infection rates and higher wages. Educated women are more likely to educate their own children – ending the cycle of illiteracy in ONE generation.

Join Room to Read for a glamourous afternoon of fabulous food and wine, overlooking the trees of Hyde Park, as together we work towards changing the future of young girls around the world.


Dolton House Hyde Park

Level 3, 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney

11.30am for 12pm to 2.30pm


Click here to book a seat or even a table.

So grab a group of girl friends, book a table and make a day out of it. We are all so lucky it is a wonderful and fun way to give a little back.

If every child received an education, 171 million people would be lifted out of poverty.

Every little bit makes a HUGE difference.

I will be there volunteering and have also supported the raffle with a Hills & West Business Folio to encourage more people to value education and reading.

If you want to support such an amazing cause Room to Read always welcomes sponsorship. If you have anything you are willing to donate such as a weekend away, food experiences, fashion… all the things we are so lucky to enjoy, then please do donate.

I hope I motivate some of you to support this fantastic cause.

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