Buying Better | Mission to Minimalism & Space
I think almost everyone has heard of the show on Netflix that has taken the internet by storm, hitting a positive cord with millions of people including myself! No, it’s not a biography of the Queen of England.. nor is it an 80’s sci-fi series with telekinetic pre-teens… It’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondō. The show has come in the wake of a time where people are leading their busiest and most distracting lives ever. With work responsibilities chasing you on your personal devices long after leaving the office and many of us needing to focus our attention on family and friends, it can be hard to prioritise ourselves.
The nature of capitalism has reached a tipping point where people who are used to purchasing anything they need (or want) at the click of a button are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. Consumers have become smarter, more aware and more ethical in their buying habits. But most importantly, they want meaning and long-lasting satisfaction from their purchases.
Kondō says “keep only those things that speak to your heart”, when aiming to declutter your home of things that are meaningles.
We are advocates of buying things that speak to your heart. But most importantly, buying things that are ethical, sustainable, long-lasting and high-quality. We aren’t saying “buy” we’re saying, when you look to buy, “buy better”.
So we did some searching and here are some fab ethical and sustainable fashion brands you should know about;
Where to go for some additional buying guidance
The Fashion Advocate’s Claire Goldsworthy blog is filled with Australian fashion, beauty and lifestyle labels. Each with their own important ethical and sustainable message. We love her passion.
So, after totally KonMaring our studio and home earlier this year, here are some of our tips to cleanse the body, mind and home:
Your mission to buy better is likely to have sprouted from a desire to improve your lifestyle, and for good reason! ABC’s article on what clutter does to your body outlines the health benefits of getting rid of clutter. Stating that “whether it’s via the KonMari method, or just having a good clear-out. Clutter can affect our anxiety levels, sleep, and ability to focus.”
Here’s some things you can do…
1 – Get in touch with nature, oxidise your environment with some indoor greenery.
Your body and mind will love you for it.
2 – Managing your space to occupy the things that are of value to you.
Especially spaces where you would typically store things, like the wardrobe. You would be amazed by the beneficial compounding effect this has on managing simple mundane tasks like doing the laundry.
3 – Clearing the body and mind…
Allowing time for some R&R. Whether it’s travel or simply the practice meditation for any number of minutes you can fit in each day. Lock in no work weekends so you can reset and let the creativity flow. we know it is hard but so so worth it.
Here are some additional things you can do;
Give to the less fortunate – not only will you feel good it will put a smile on someone else’s face.
Physical activity. Something as small as walking your dog can have a big impact. We know that sparks joy for us every morning.
Be social – nothing like a belly giggle with friends.
We hope we inspired you to a less-cluttered, cleaner, clearer, ethical and sustainable lifestyle. You don’t have to do it all at once but looking to declutter a room, a draw or give yourself that five minutes a day to have tea and just be will pay off massively in the end.
Big love,
The Hills & West Team x
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