Being Stylish and Confident at Any Age, Secrets From Stylist and Model Violet Trikilis

Being Stylish and Confident at Any Age, Secrets From Stylist and Model Violet Trikilis

Being Stylish and Confident at Any Age, Secrets From Stylist and Model Violet Trikilis


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A true fashion icon and style inspiration to us here at Hills & West, we’d love to introduce to you the fabulous stylist and model Violet Trikilis, who shares her style tips and musings at A Stylish Age.

We have been admiring her chic and sophisticated style for a long while now and when we asked her to style our Lunar Max we just adored all her wonderful suggestions and combinations, and just how warm and giving she was. Here we share Violet’s inspiration, loves, style tips, new fashion brands and what led her to start A Stylish Age.

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Meet Violet Trikilis…

I’ve always had an eye for fashion as far back as I can remember. From 15 to now I’ve been in the fashion industry. Worked in couture, High Street fashion and experienced working at NY fashion week. I was a fashion model years ago and now I’m a modelling again as a classic model. With this wealth of experience I inherited that 3rd eye for what looks good on me and how to mix my pieces.

I buy what I love and what I feel is my style, not worrying if it’s on trend, price or where from. I follow the trends but don’t feel forced to wear them if it’s just ‘not me’. Bike shorts are one of them! No thank you! I wouldn’t care if I found a gorgeous dress at my local Vinnie’s op shop. A keeper is a piece that I’ll wear for a many years, many ways.

I personally feel that you can make most clothes look stylish with a little this or that, but when it comes to bags and shoes, it’s the quality not the quantity.

Shop where you want to; wear what makes you feel good, be confident and the world will see your confidence. By all means don’t be afraid to experiment.

“True style, in my opinion, comes from within. The clothes are just the outer layer.”

A Stylish Age

I started A Stylish Age a couple of years ago when I turned 50. One reason was that I found that women my age still wanted to be fashionable and loved fashion but were really annoyed that everything that was on trend was modelled by (very young) people who didn’t represent them, and there was a shortage of mature influencers that were real and relatable.

Three Guiding Principles

  1. Focus on your best feature and start from there.

  2. Don’t even consider buying something you don’t like as it will sit in your wardrobe with the tag for years.

  3. Visualise, Visualise and Visualise. If you can see yourself frolicking around in this item with that cute bag then it’s a yes!

Working as a Model and Stylist

Wow, there’s many wonderful shoots I’ve done. Some of my favourite jobs in modelling were the 5-page editorial for Mode Bride – jumping off and on Melbourne trams in full wedding dresses was crazy. Stints in Hong Kong from parades to commercials… Even my latest shoots with Australian owned companies was just as wonderful and exciting as years ago.

“As a stylist, every one of the thousands of women I have helped dress and made happy, that’s who sticks in my mind, not labels.”

Five Things You Can’t Live Without

Besides family and Luigi (my pup)

  1. A waist belt

  2. A pair of quality pumps

  3. A beautiful but practical handbag

  4. A classic blazer

  5. A white shirt

Five Things on Your Bucket List

  1. Breakfast in Cappadocia Turkey for sunrise. To be hypnotised by 100’s of spectacular hot air balloons.

  2. Trip to my birthplace Lastovo Croatia with all my 5 children while my mother is still alive. (She is 90 now).

  3. Magazine cover as a mature model.

  4. Know at least one joke that you can tell really well

  5. Stay in a bungalow over the water

Three Brands People Need to Know About

  1. Hills and West (Australian made, modern, versatile and forever handbags)

  2. Ashley Lim (luxurious, contemporary, comfortable yet stylish shoes)

  3. Joslin (Romantic style clothing for the Minimalist woman)

Style Tips to Get Us Through The Winder

  • Belt everything, coats, blazers, shirts and jumpers.

  • Mix textures and patterns together, even if you start with the accessories.

  • Invest in the bag, shoes and underwear. This is crucial.

“Be yourself and don’t be afraid to smile and add your stamp to your outfit. Be it a hat if you are a hat person, bold lipstick or that subtle pearl broach you have had forever”

Wearing our Lunar Max 3 Way as a Backpack

We hope you enjoyed finding out a little more about the gorgeous and wise Violet Trikilis, and she has left you feeling inspired to add some looks to your winter wardrobe!

We adore her and can’t wait to continue to be inspired by her style suggestions and videos.

Thanks Violet.

Big love.



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