2016 is going to be a BIG year

2016 is going to be a BIG year

2016 is going to be a BIG year

We are totally pumped.

It’s hard to believe that in March, Hills & West will be turning one. Over a wine, in the company of some incredibly supportive friends and through dreaming big, Hills & West was born. We posed the question: if you could do whatever you wanted in life, what would it be?

My response was simple… design, create and work with inspirational people… and of course, travel along the way. It’s a year later and I can’t believe how things have played out.

The Morgan collection – the concept of luxury, functional, work companions at attainable prices – is almost three months old.

I have worked and met with some pretty inspirational people; while managing to fit in some travel amongst it all.

2015 was a pretty spectacular year I have to say.

So what does 2016 have in store?

Lifestyle accessories

  • Some new accessories joining the Morgan collection
  • Injecting some classic colour into your Morgan favourites
  • New collection for the avid traveller
  • Bespoke corporate gifts for businesses who want to make a statement in 2016

Creative collaborations

  • Sydney styling – our Morgan work companions will be popping up and around town
  • Melbourne meetups in March
  • European deliveries in July
  • And… launching in London later this year

Content aspirations

  • Travel – new destinations to excite and inspire the wanderlust in you
  • Inspiration – sharing the stories from the people who inspire us
  • Trends – exploring the trends shaping Hills & West
  • Giving back – sharing some of the wonderful stories of the Rainbow Children Home, our passion project in Nepal 

It is going to be a big year and I can’t wait to dream and create with you.

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